Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana PMMVY Gujarat is a maternity benefit programme offered by the government of India under which a cash incentive of Rs. 5,000 is provided to pregnant women and lactating mothers..The incentive is provided for the first living child of the family for fulfilling the specific maternal and child health conditions!
Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana PMMVY Gujarat is a maternity benefit program run by the government of India. It was introduced in 2017 and is implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. It is a conditional cash transfer scheme for pregnant and lactating women of 19 years of age or above for the first live birth.
Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana PMMVY
It provides a partial wage compensation to women for wage-loss during childbirth and childcare and to provide conditions for safe delivery and good nutrition and feeding practices. In 2013, the scheme was brought under the National Food Security Act, 2013 to implement the provision of cash maternity benefit of ₹6,000 (US$84) stated in the Act.Presently, the scheme is implemented on a pilot basis in 53 selected districts and proposals are under consideration to scale it up to 200 additional ‘high burden districts’ in 2015–16.
The eligible beneficiaries would receive the incentive given under the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) for Institutional delivery and the incentive received under JSY would be accounted towards maternity benefits so that on an average a woman gets 6,000 RS (US$84)
The scheme, rechristened Maternity benefits programme is set to cover the entire nation.Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his 2017 New Year’s Eve speech, announced that the scheme will be scaled up to cover 650 districts of the country.The announcement assumes significance as India accounts for 17% of all maternal deaths in the world. The country’s maternal mortality rate is pegged at 130 per 100,000 live births, whereas infant mortality is estimated at 43 per 1,000 live births. Among the primary causes of high maternal and infant mortality are poor nutrition and inadequate medical care during pregnancy and childbirth.
Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana PMMVY was announced in the Prime Minister’s address to the nation on 31st December 2016 to benefit pregnant women and lactating mothers. The basic features
of the scheme is given in following table.
Effective Date-1st January 2017
Eligibility – Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers (PW&LM) for first live child in family
Benefits- 5,000 Payable in Three Instalments.

Implementing Platform – Integrated Child Development Services /Health Infrastructure
Implementing Departments –
• Department of Women and Child Development or Department of Social
Welfare of the respective State/UT except for seven states/UT.
• Department of Health or Department of Health and Family Welfare will administer the scheme in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Chandigarh, Dadar & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Meghalaya, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengali
Matru Vandana Yojana Gujarat Benefits
To provide compensation for the wage loss in terms of cash incentives so that the woman can take adequate rest before and after delivery of the first living child..
It is a partial compensation which is a part of a plan to provide a total sum of Rs.6,000 on an average to the woman. The remaining cash incentive Of Rs. 1000 is provided under Janani Suraksha Yojana JSY after institutional delivery.
To Improve health seeking behavior among-st pregnant women and lactating mothers.

How To Apply PMMVY Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana Form Gujarat?
A beneficiary can apply for the scheme only within 730 days from the date of her Last Menstrual Period MP The LMP Registered in the MCP card will be treated as the Date of Pregnancy under the scheme.
Precautions for the PMMVY Scheme
• The Beneficiary Details (Aadhaar/ Alternate ID details, Bank/ Post Office Account details) should be stored securely. All provisions of Aadhaar Act regarding security of Aadhaar Data must be adhered.
• The physical forms and the photocopy of the Beneficiary details should be secured under lock and should be maintained as per scheme guide Line S
• The physical forms if being filled in English should be be filled in CAPITAL LETTERS to ensure minimal errors while entering the data in the PMMVY portal.
• All mandatory fields should be filled in the Instalment Claim Forms.
• All data should be entered into the system as present in the physical forms and supporting documents only.
• All Field Functionaries (Anganwadi Centers/ ASHAs/ANMs) must be made aware of their Field Functionary Code as provided by the States and mention correct codes while filling up the physical forms.
Documents Lists
- Filled Application Form 1A
- Copy Of MCP Card
- Copy Of Identity Proof
- Copy of Bank / Post Office Account Passbook
PMMVY Pradhan MantriMatru Vandana Yojana Gujarat Online Application Form 2020
Download Forms::
For First Installment |
For Second Installment |
For Third Installment |
ગુજરાતી માહિતી pdf |
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Official Sute:- Click Here |
In case of any query or issue related to the PMMVY, please contact on the below mentioned helpline number.
PMMVY Pradhan MantriMatru Vandana Yojana Gujarat Helpline Number : 011-23382393
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