Vahali Dikari Yojana Gujarat 2024: Gujarat Government has released various schemes which are very good for female students and daughters. One of them is Dear Daughter Yojana. Through this scheme, the government grants a subsidy of INR 1,10,000 to the family for the birth of the first girl child. Through this scheme, financial assistance is provided to the girl students for their better education.
This is one of the projects for women empowerment, improving women’s ration and lady
education by the state of Gujarat. Financial assistance through Wahali Dikri Yojana can be
given in 3 categories. This financial assistance is deposited in the family’s bank account.
Wahali Dikri Yojana has been launched to improve the education of girls, to strengthen the
socio-economic popularity of women in the society. Check all the criteria mentioned below to
avail this plan:
How you get benefit?
Education for girls is already free in India. The scheme is announced to strengthen the financial
and social standing of female students, reduce the dropout rate in education and prevent child
The Deputy Chief Minister has said that the first two daughters of the family will be able to
benefit from this scheme. Rs 4000 will be given at the time of admission of a girl in first class,
Rs 6000 in class 9, Rs 100000 on completion of 18 years of age.A huge amount will also be
provided for girls’ higher studies and marriage ceremonies. Rs 133 crore has been provided
through this scheme.
When You get?
- 1st Stander 4,000/-
- 9th Stander 6,000/-
- After 18 Years 1,00,000/-
Who can get this scheme benefit:-
The annual income of the applicant’s family will be two lakh rupees only they will get the benefit
of this scheme. If the income is more than two lakh then they will not get the benefit.
For What?
Gujarat government has the same desire that every girl child of the country should get good
education. The government will provide financial support to the parents of the students through
the scheme. Because they can provide good education to the students, if one of the students
studies then his family will be a big benefit. Gujarat government thinks that the students can
succeed in their life by studying and something good for their family. can do
- This scheme is for the first two girl children of the family.
- Only for Gujarat state.
- Bank account in Gujarat
- Girls born after 02-08-2019
- Born In Gujarat
Important Document
- Residence Proof,
- Birth Certificate,
- Any Birth proof,
- Annual Income certificate,
- Bank passbook of Girl,
- Girl’s parents Identity proof.
How to Apply
- Apply Offline for Vahali Dikari Yojana 2024
- Applicants can obtain the application form from Anganwadi Center
- Gram Panchayat
- CDPO (ICDS) Office
- District Women and Child Officers Office.
Apply Steps
- First Read this article,
- Then check that are you able to apply for this Scheme
- If you are able
- Then check link
- Which is given below
- Download it
- Print out of that form
- Fill all details
- Join Important document
- submit it
- At Applicants can obtain the application form from Anganwadi Center
- Gram Panchayat
- CDPO (ICDS) Office
- District Women and Child Officers Office.
Important link
Vahali dikri yojana form 2024 pdf download
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Komal Ben dangar