Best App for Photo Editing Free for Android,  iPhone, and PC - Gkhinditoday

Best App for Photo Editing Free for Android,  iPhone, and PC

Best App for Photo Editing Free for Android,  iPhone, and PC – Best Apps for Edit Photo: Photo editing apps have not been a boon for all the shutterbugs worldwide. A perfect photo can be further improved in the hands of a good editor.

Photo editing apps aim to provide such tools to these people. These apps differ from their desktop counterparts as they are lightweight and can run on any smartphone. These offer the convenience of editing photos on the go

In recent years, photo editing apps have seen significant improvements and are now on par with desktop versions. Today we will be discussing some of the best photo editing apps you can find. These are our top picks:

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This app has been around for quite a while, even before the photography craze took over the internet. This app is aesthetically pleasing and easy to work with. Picsart features a bright and colorful UI which many swears is the best.

Picsart offers various tools that you can use to make your capture look better. Even basic features such as crop and effects got massive upgrades. Now you can select between Free Crop, Shape Crop, and predefined parameters. 

one of the unique features of this app is the numerous ways you can engage with the community. There are various challenges in which you can participate. These challenges are community-driven, and the instructions can be found under the challenge tab and an image.

PicsArt heavily focuses on the social aspect like no other app in this list. You can freely download PicsArt from the App Store and Google Play Store if you desire engaging experiences. “best apps for edit photo”

Adobe Lightroom

Not a soul has yet to hear of Adobe and its world-leading products in content editing. Adobe Lightroom has been around for a while, but only recently was it ported to smartphones.

And already, they are pushing an excellent app that provides unique and powerful tools. Alongside those, Lightroom provides a superior level of customizability for your videos. And for all the editing, you get the benefit of Non-destructive editing. You can edit the images without altering the original appearance and return to the former. 

Besides the generic features, Adobe Lightroom also provides many exclusive tools not present in other competing apps. Lightroom is compatible with numerous platforms and supports most image and video extensions.

You can feed it RAW files, and it will quickly process them without any added hassle. Cross compatibility is also a prominent feature as you can bring your mobile edited photo on your desktop.

In addition to these features, you can get the premium version which provides much more customizability than the free app. At the time of writing, the premium costs $9.99 per month. Bonus offers a cloud service that will safeguard all your memories and provide easy access to them.

Moreover, you also get features such as Premium Presets, selective adjustments, raw editing, geometry tools, healing brush, and much more. You can always get the base version free on Apple App Store and Google Play Stores.

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Pixlr is a photo-editing app specifically for beginners in photography and editing, making it user-friendly for anyone interested in the field. It provides various features such as Revision control, transform tool, object removal, Enhancement tool, and other essential tools.

Pixlr shines best at effects and filters, where it offers a wide range of selections to choose from. And each of them is unique and stands out a lot. You will indeed discover an effect or filter that best fits your requirement.

In addition to all the features above, multiple lighting effects are available at your disposal. You can either manually edit the pictures or use the auto-lighting feature to save time. But the main selling point of this app is its simplicity and approach to all the settings.

The practicality and its light weightiness also add to its success among all enthusiasts. It also comes with loads of stock images and templates where you can experiment with the features before applying them to your captures.

You can also create posters, cards, and other such projects through your smartphone in no time. You can download this great app from any reputable app store on any platform. “Best App for Photo Editing Free for Android,  iPhone, and PC – Best Apps for Edit Photo”

Google Photos

Google Photos is primarily advertised as a cloud storage service for your memories, but it offers much more than that. It provides a wide array of editing tools you can use on the go.

You can select from a wide range of filters and editing options without the hassle of any third-party app. There are even multiple color manipulation tools that can help you give a professional touch to your photos. Settings such as “Color Pop” can help you highlight your portrait by making the rest black and white. 

Numerous enhancements also made their way into this app. Google Photos now competes equally with traditional photo editing apps, and its AI-powered engine significantly contributes to its capabilities.

Its AI-powered engine also helps a long way. Detection of faces, objects, and animals with clear clarity has never been better. The AI also enables you to organize your gallery, which no other app in this list helps you with.

The Auto Grouping feature can detect faces and group them under a single name. Aside from looks, it can determine your location and group the photos accordingly. Each day, the Google team adds all new features that are better than the last one.

With this much dedication, Google Photos will surely win your heart. Most Android devices come preinstalled with this app, but you can also manually download it from the App Store or Google Play Store.

Snapseed (Best App for Photo Editing)

Snapseed launched long ago, even before mobile photography took off. Originally for iPad, it was later ported to all mobile devices. Snapseed is a professional-oriented photo editing app with great emphasis laid on customizability. This app has a compelling set of tools that can be overwhelming.

Once you are used to it, you will generate images comparable to desktop productions. You can go through the settings and experiment on a sample image to find out what it does. You have editing tools such as curves, image enhancements, an array of brushes, lighting customization, and color management. 

This app will feel like a breeze if you have prior knowledge in this field. With all settings properly grouped, finding the one you desire is easy. Even if you are a beginner, you can dip your toes into this by changing one location at a time.

With small increments, you will get to understand the workings. You can also use various straightforward tools for your portrait pictures. Once you get used to it, it will be the most potent mobile photo editing app. You can download Snapseed for free on any digital distribution service. “Best App for Photo Editing Free for Android,  iPhone, and PC – Best Apps for Edit Photo”

Adobe Photoshop  Camera

Ever wanted to apply effects at the time of capturing the photo? Well, Adobe Photoshop  Camera is precisely the app for you. This lightweight app has tonnes of customizability to make your capture beyond perfect.

Users primarily use this app to generate a high-quality image by avoiding post-processing, which can distort the original image. You can use this app in conjunction with other image-processing apps to bring a new level of editing. Compounding effects in this manner can produce images of immense quality. 

Adobe Photoshop uses Adobe Sensei, an AI tool that can apply various effects and corrections when capturing a photo. This tool can be handy if you are looking for a quick enhancement.

This AI tool can ideally differentiate between various objects and people, which makes it especially useful for applying masks to the image. You can also include animations that can liven up your capture.

It also provides post-processing tools such as text overlays, beauty enhancement, and correction, which is especially handy for influencers. Adobe Photoshop  Camera is available for free on Android and iOS.

Afterlight 2 (Best App for Photo Editing)

Also referred to as just Afterlight, it is a top-rated photo editing app among intermediate photo editors. It was first released in late 2013, and since then, it has been trendy.

This app is famous for the range of control you get on lighting effects. A few prominent settings that set this apart are Double Exposure, Fusion Filters, Chroma, and Glow.

These settings are powerful compared to the competition’s implementation of the idea. Afterlight has a user-friendly interface offering many filters, adjustments, textures, and more. The main selling feature is that you can create your filter. This breaks from the monotonous and regular filters available in the market. 

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The comprehensive set of editing tools is helpful for both beginners and intermediates. Creative Effects offers additional effects like dust and light leak overlays. This allows you to create a new ambiance in your capture.

Text customizability is a massively underrated feature. With more than fifty text styles, you can make your image livelier. This fantastic app can be downloaded from any significant app distribution for free. “Best App for Photo Editing Free for Android,  iPhone, and PC – Best Apps for Edit Photo”

Facetune 2

Aimed primarily at editing portraits and selfies, this fantastic app is one of the best apps you can find on the internet. It uses AI to automatically detect faces and then applies various edits to make them bloom.

Moreover, It isn’t just limited to just detection and minor improvements. It can alter the original image in a big way and provide you with a more refined version of it. Aside from regular features such as smoothing skins and removing spots, it also offers color corrections and improves the image in order of magnitude. 

Facetune is also famous for its AI avatar generator. It can produce high-quality avatars as per your requirements in no time. Customizability is a prominent feature of this app.

Its simple-to-use interface allows even the most novice to create a good image successfully. Facetune can also automatically enhance the image’s color grade, significantly improving the idea.

The app also shines at manual editing. Make your casual selfies look like the capture of a professional with the tools available at your disposal. In addition to that, Facetune works on videos as well. This feature is seamless, and it will make the videos much more pleasing to look at. Facetune 2 is a free app you can download on any suitable platform.


This may come as a surprise, but Instagram, one of the most popular social media apps, also provides some of the best photo editing tools. The set of tools this app offers is quite popular among regular users.

You can quickly put the cherry on top of your capture before uploading it to the world. The editor is simple and intuitive, making it easy to edit photos quickly. Whether you want to add vibrancy or make or make subtle improvements, there’s something for everyone.

Aside from filters, the photo editor provides various adjustments such as brightness, contrast, saturation, and more. This enables users to customize their photos to their preferences.

The app’s photo editor can add creative elements such as text, stickers, and frames to the stories. Instagram’s photo editor is a fantastic tool for avid social bees and those who want to edit and share their experiences quickly. This top-rated app can be downloaded from any app store free of cost. “Best App for Photo Editing Free for Android,  iPhone, and PC – Best Apps for Edit Photo”

Conclusion (Best App for Photo Editing)

Photo editing apps are now an integral part of our daily lives, particularly in an age where we constantly want to share our experiences with others.

These convenient, portable tools are ideal for people on the go and have evolved significantly since their inception to offer features that rival desktop editing software. With an increasingly competitive market, the future of photo editing apps looks bright and promises continued improvement

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